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Perpetual Motion

10 items

Presented by foundational media art curator Barbara London, Perpetual Motion explores how the nonstop technological change permeating daily life impacts the lively activity of contemporary artists. In the continuously evolving domain of media art where interdisciplinary crossovers occur within the fields of film, video, music, sound, and performance, innovative use of the latest audiovisual tools is the new normal. Moreover, the moving image is one of the most dynamic art forms, and has become ubiquitous on smartphones, viewed in compressed durations in tandem with shortened attention spans.

The ten moving-image works featured in this exhibition range between two and eleven minutes in length. Drawn from this ever evolving, inventive field of media art, each of the videos engages and also inspires. In this moment of recalibration, new ideas about society and community have come to the fore. The selected works leave the viewer with as many questions as answers, which is what all art should do.

Participating artists include Kamari Carter, Richard Garet, Bang Geul Han, Cornelia Parker, Wong Ping, Zina Saro-Wiwa, Aki Sasamoto, Joey Skaggs, Federico Solmi, and Claudix Vanesix.

Perpetual Motion is curated by Barbara London. PAMMTV is produced by PAMM’s Digital Engagement department with Jay Mollica, Senior Director of Digital Engagement and Lauren Monzon, PAMMTV Program Manager. Special thanks to Mariana Dias, Nathalia Bolivar, and Mehïka Dorval, for support with closed captioning and translations. PAMM’s project galleries and digital initiatives are funded in part by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Presentada por la curadora fundacional del arte mediático, Barbara London, la exposición Perpetual Motion (Movimiento perpetuo) explora cómo el incesante cambio tecnológico que permea nuestra vida cotidiana, impacta la inquieta actividad de los artistas contemporáneos. En este dominio en constante transformación, donde ocurren cruces interdisciplinarios entre el cine, el video, la música, el sonido y la interpretación, el uso innovador de las últimas herramientas audiovisuales es la nueva normalidad. Además, la imagen en movimiento es una de las formas de arte más vitales y se ha vuelto omnipresente con la llegada de los teléfonos inteligentes, que, en paralelo con la gradual disminución en la capacidad de nuestra atención, se visualizan en duraciones cada vez más cortas.

Las diez obras de imagen en movimiento presentadas en esta exhibición tienen una duración que oscila entre dos y once minutos. Provenientes de un campo en constante evolución e innovación como es el arte multimedia, cada uno de los videos cautiva e inspira. En este momento de recalibración, han surgido nuevas ideas sobre la sociedad y la comunidad. Las obras seleccionadas dejan al espectador con tantas preguntas como respuestas; lo que debería hacer todo el arte.

Entre los artistas participantes se encuentran: Kamari Carter, Richard Garet, Bang Geul Han, Cornelia Parker, Wong Ping, Zina Saro-Wiwa, Aki Sasamoto, Joey Skaggs, Federico Solmi y Claudix Vanesix.

Kreyól Ayisyen
Perpetual Motion prezante pa konsèvatè atizay ak medya Barbara London, li eksplore fason chanjman teknolojik gen enpak sou aktivite nan lavi chak jou atis kontanporen yo. Nan domèn atizay medya k ap evolye kontinyèlman kote kwazman entèdisiplinè fèt nan domèn fim, videyo, mizik, son ak pèfòmans, itilizasyon inovatè dènye zouti odyovizyèl yo se nouvo nòmal. Anplis, fim se youn nan fòm atizay ki pi dinamik, e li nan tout telefòn, kote moun ka gade nan yon ti tan.

Dis fim nan ekspozisyon sa a dire de (2) twa ak onz (11) minit. Chak videyo soti de yon domèn atizay medya ki pa janm sispann evolye, epi yo kaptive w ak enspire w. Nan moman rekalibrasyon sa a, nouvo lide sou sosyete a ak kominote a vinn a la sifas. Fim yo chwazi yo kite telespektatè a ak anpil kesyon pou repons, ki se sa tout atizay ta dwe fè.

Atis ki patisipe yo se Kamari Carter, Richard Garet, Bang Geul Han, Cornelia Parker, Wong Ping, Zina Saro-Wiwa, Aki Sasamoto, Joey Skaggs, Federico Solmi, ak Claudix Vanesix.

Selected Artworks

Zina Saro-Wiwa, Table Manners: Season 1 (2014-2016): Barisuka Eats Ice Fish and Mu, 2016
Video Art 5m Nigeria
Wong Ping, The Screen Shaver, 2014
Video Art 2m Hong Kong
Claudix Vanesix, Amy Camus AR, 2021
Video Art 4m Peru
Federico Solmi, The Night Watchers, 2020
Video Art 4m Italy, United States
Richard Garet, Painting by Numbers: Composition 6, 2019
Video Art 10m Uruguay
Kamari Carter, Ligature/Signature, 2021
Video Art 2m United States
Cornelia Parker, Thatcher's Finger, 2018
Video Art 3m United Kingdom
Joey Skaggs, Celebrity Sperm Bank, 2023
Video Art 11m United States
Aki Sasamoto, random memo random, 2016
Video Art 11m Japan
Bang Geul Han, Dear Tomas, 2018
Video Art 10m South Korea

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