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Joey Skaggs, Celebrity Sperm Bank, 2023

Video Art 11m United States

Well-known as a multimedia artist, the practice of Joey Skaggs has for decades involved the successful organization of complex media performances in which he uses the media as his medium, creating elaborate ruses that are reported as news by unsuspecting journalists (including from the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Philadelphia Enquirer, NPR, CNN, etc.) Working alone with volunteer actors, his art is always in service of making commentary about a social issue or condition. Skaggs is one of the originators of the phenomenon known as culture jamming. The featured video is from the series of short documentaries, Joey Skaggs Satire and Art Activism, 1960s to the Present and Beyond, starring the artist with selected materials from his extensive personal archive.  


Reconocido como artista multimedia, Joey Skaggs lleva décadas organizando con éxito complejas performances mediáticas en las que ultiliza los medios de comunicación como medio, creando elaboradas farsas que periodistas desprevenidos (del New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Philadelphia Enquirer, NPR, CNN, entre otros) presentan como noticias. Trabajando sólo con actores voluntarios, su arte siempre responde a un comentario sobre un problema o condición social. Skaggs es uno de los creadores del fenómeno conocido como culture jamming (astasque/sabotaje cultural). Este video pertenece a una serie de documentales cortos llamado Joey Skaggs: Satire and Art Activism, 1960s to the Present and Beyond (Joey Skaggs: Sátria y activismo artístico, desde 1960 hasta el presente y el más alla), protagonizados por el artista con una selección de materiales de su extenso archivo personal.

Kreyól Ayisyen

Joey Skaggs, ki se yon atis multimedya popilè, enplike pandan plizyè deseni pèfòmans medya konplèks kote li itilize medya kòm medyum li, li kreye konplo detaye ki rapòte kòm nouvèl pa jounalis san mefyans (ki gen ladan New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Philadelphia Enquirer, NPR, CNN, elatriye). Li travay ak aktè volontè, atizay li toujou nan sèvis fè kòmantè sou yon pwoblèm oswa yon kondisyon sosyal. Skaggs se youn nan orijinatè fenomèn yo rele “culture jamming”. Videyo sa pami seri dokimantè kout Joey Skaggs Satire and Art Activism, 1960s to the Present and Beyond, avèk yon seleksyon materyèl nan achiv pèsonèl li.

JOEY SKAGGS. Joey Skaggs: Celebrity Sperm Bank, 2023. Digital color video, with sound, 10 min., 36 sec. © Joey Skaggs Archive. Courtesy of the artist.


Joey Skaggs


Judy Drosd


Judy Drosd


Joey Skaggs


Joey Skaggs

Closed Captions [CC]

Español (Latinoamérica), English


United States

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