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Jeannette Ehlers, Whip It Good, 2013–

6m Denmark 2013

Jeannette Ehlers (b. 1973, Copenhagen; lives in Copenhagen)

The work of Danish Trinidadian artist Jeannette Ehlers often addresses issues of memory, race, and colonialism. In Whip It Good, the artist reenacts one of the most brutal methods of punishment inflicted upon enslaved people: whipping. In employing the same method on a white canvas, Ehlers creates a simple, yet tension-filled act of rebellion against the colonial past.

Premiering in 2013 as a live performance at the BE.BOP13 art festival in Berlin, this version of Whip It Good was recorded at Vestindisk Pakhus (West Indian Warehouse) in Copenhagen. This historic location, used during the colonial period to store rum, sugar, and coffee from the Danish West Indies, now houses the Royal Cast Collection, with its more than two thousand plaster casts of European classical sculptures. Against this background, Ehlers lashes a white canvas over and over again with a whip rubbed in charcoal. With each strike, the artist fiercely confronts ongoing systems of racial oppression, patriarchal structures, and the hegemony of the white western gaze of art history, while at the same time honoring the legacy of Pan-African resistance and insisting on the possibility of empowerment and healing.

Ehlers’s Whip It Good dialogues visually and conceptually with her live performance presented at PAMM We’re Magic. We’re Real # 3 (These Walls), as the whip eventually transforms from a tool for torture into a strand of braided hair symbolizing healing and connectedness.

JEANNETTE EHLERS, Whip It Good, 2013–. Digital color video, with sound, 5 min, 47 sec. © Jeannette Ehlers. Courtesy of the Artist. Recorded at The Royal Cast Collection, Copenhagen. This piece was first commissioned as a live performance by Art Labour Archives & Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin, 2013.

Image credit for STILLS from video: Marcus von Platen. Image credit for PHOTO in wicker chair from KAS (The Royal Cast Collection): Casper Maare.


Jeannette Ehlers (n. 1973, Copenhagen; vive en Copenhagen)

El trabajo de la artista de ascendencia danesa y trinitense Jeannette Ehlers suele abordar temas como la memoria, la raza y el colonialismo. En Whip It Good, la artista recrea uno de los métodos de castigo más brutales infligidos a los esclavos: el azote. Al emplear el mismo método sobre un lienzo blanco, da lugar a un acto de rebelión simple, aunque cargado de tensión, contra el pasado colonial.

Esta versión de Whip It Good, que se estrenó en 2013 como un performance en vivo en el festival de arte BE.BOP13 en Berlín, se grabó en Vestindisk Pakhus (Almacén de las Indias Occidentales) en Copenhagen. Este lugar histórico, utilizado durante el periodo colonial para almacenar ron, azúcar y café proveniente de las Indias Occidentales danesas, alberga ahora la Royal Cast Collection (Colección Real de Yesos), con sus más de dos mil moldes en yeso de esculturas clásicas europeas. Frente a este telón de fondo, Ehlers azota un lienzo blanco una y otra vez con un látigo que restriega en carbón. Con cada golpe, la artista confronta ferozmente los imperecederos sistemas de opresión racial, las estructuras patriarcales y la hegemonía de la mirada occidental blanca hacia la historia del arte, a la vez que rinde honor al legado de resistencia panafricana e insiste en la posibilidad de empoderamiento y sanación.

La obra Whip It Good de Ehlers dialoga visual y conceptualmente con su performance en vivo en PAMM We’re Magic. We’re Real # 3 (These Walls), puesto que el látigo se transforma de un instrumento de tortura en una hebra de cabello trenzado que simboliza la sanación y la conectividad.

Kreyól Ayisyen

Jeannette Ehlers (fèt an 1973, Kopenhag; L ap viv Kopenhag)

Travay atis Danwa Trinidadyen Jeannette Ehlers souvan abòde pwoblèm memwa, ras, ak kolonizasyon. Nan Whip It Good, atis la repwodui youn nan metòd pinisyon pi brital ki te itilize sou moun ki te an esklavaj: fwete. Lè li anplwaye menm metòd la sou yon twal blan, Ehlers kreye yon zak rebelyon senp, men ki chaje ak tansyon kont pase kolonyal la.

Premye fwa Whip It Good te prezante an 2013 kòm yon pèfòmans an dirèk nan festival atizay BE.BOP13 nan Bèlen, vèsyon sa a te anrejistre nan Vestindisk Pakhus (Depo Zantiy) nan vil Copenhagen. Kote istorik sa a, ki te itilize pandan peryòd kolonyal la pou sere wonm, sik, ak kafe ki soti nan Zantiy Danwa yo, kounye a se kay Royal Cast Collection, ki gen plis pase de mil estati an plat skilti klasik Ewopeyen. Nan kontèks sa a, Ehlers fwape yon twal blan anpil fwa ak yon fwèt ki gen chabon sou li. Chak kout fwèt, atis la ap fè fas ak fòs opresyon rasyal k ap kontinye jounen jodia, estrikti patriyakal yo, ak ejemoni je blan oksidantal sou istwa atizay, pandan l ap onore eritaj rezistans Pan-Afriken an epi li ensiste sou posiblite pou pran pouvwa ak gerizon.

Whip It Good pa Ehlers angaje nan yon dyalòg vizyèl ak konseptyèl ak pèfòmans en dirèk li a We’re Magic. We’re Real #3 (These Walls), kote fwèt la finalman transfòme soti nan yon zouti tòti pou vin tounen yon fil cheve trese ki senbolize gerizon ak koneksyon.


Casper Maare

Closed Captions [CC]

Español (Latinoamérica), English



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