Lazara loses her cool while helping her unstable mother, Carmen, run risky errands. A haunting and inventive portrait of the intergenerational imprints of domestic violence, Cristine Brache’s CARMEN is a uniquely Miami story that balances surrealism, tenderness, bizarreness, and reality to create a poetic cinematic language that inspires lasting reflection.
Cristine Brache (b. 1984, Miami, FL) is an artist, poet, and filmmaker. She received her MFA in Fine Art Media from the Slade School of Fine Art, London (UK). She often takes her personal and family history as a starting point to explore shared histories and trauma, womanhood, and the inevitable power dynamics that accompany these themes. Select solo exhibitions include those held at Anonymous Gallery (New York); Locust Projects (Miami); and Anat Ebgi (Los Angeles) among others. Her work has been critically reviewed in places such as Artforum, The New York Times, The Art Newspaper, The Miami New Times, and The New Yorker.
Texto curatorial: Un retrato inquietante e inventivo de las huellas intergeneracionales de la violencia doméstica, Lazara pierde la calma mientras ayuda a su inestable madre, Carmen, a realizar encargos arriesgados. El cortometraje de Cristine Brache es una historia singularmente miamense que equilibra el surrealismo, la ternura, lo extraño y la realidad para crear un lenguaje cinematográfico poético que inspira una reflexión duradera.
Biografía del artista: Cristine Brache (n. 1984, Miami, FL) es artista, poeta y cineasta. Tiene una maestría en Medios artísticos por la Slade School of Fine Art de Londres (Reino Unido). A menudo, parte de su historia personal y familiar para explorar historias y traumas compartidos, la feminidad y las inevitables dinámicas de poder que acompañan a estos temas. Entre sus exposiciones individuales destacan las realizadas en Anonymous Gallery (Nueva York), Locust Projects (Miami) y Anat Ebgi (Los Ángeles), entre otras. Su trabajo ha sido revisado críticamente en lugares como Artforum, The New York Times, The Art Newspaper, The Miami New Times y The New Yorker.
Yon pòtrè envante de anprent vyolans domestik sou plizyè jenerasyon, Lazara nève pandan l ap ede manman ki enstab, Carmen, fè komisyon ki riske.. Fim Kout Cristine Brache sa se yon istwa inik ki balanse tandrès ak reyalite pou kreye yon langaj sinematik powetik k ap enspire w reflechi.
Biyografi Atis: Cristine Brache (b. 1984,Mayami, FL) se yon atis, powèt, ak reyalizatè. Li te resevwa MFA li nan Atizay Medya nan Slade School of Fine Art, London (UK). Li souvan pran istwa pèsonèl li ak fanmi li kòm yon pwen depa pou eksplore istwa pataje ak chòk, fanm, ak dinamik pouvwa inevitab ki akonpaye tèm sa yo. Kèk nan travay li to pwojte nan Anonymous Gallery (New York); Locust Projects (Miami); ak Anat Ebgi (Los Angeles). Travay li yo te resevwa kritik nan kote tankou Artforum, The New York Times, The Art Newspaper, The Miami New Times, ak The New Yorker.
Valeria Chagüi (Lazara) , Liz Ferrer (Carmen) , Nadia Adelay (Liz)
English, Spanish
Closed Captions [CC]
Español (Latinoamérica), English
United States