biarritzzz, Onde Está Mymye Mastroiagnne?, 2023
biarritzzz (b. 1994, Fortaleza, Brazil; lives in Recife, Brazil)
Onde Está Mymye Mastroiagnne? (Where is Mymye Mastroiagnne?) is a hybrid short docu-fiction based on the story of Mymye, a real-life character from the Pina neighborhood in Recife, Brazil who made history as a famous stripper in the Second Life metaverse until she disappeared, when Mymye changed computers and lost her password. The video follows a series of digital characters’ journeys to find Mymye in a plot that has the pacing of a crime thriller, and asks urgent questions around the intertwined relationship between our digital and physical selves.
biaritzzz, (n. 1994, Fortaleza, Brazil; reside en Recife, Brazil)
Onde Está Mymye Mastroiagnne? (¿Dónde Está Mymye Mastroiagnne?) es un corto híbrido de docu-ficción basado en la historia de Mymye, un personaje real del barrio de Pina, en Recife (Brasil), que hizo historia como famosa stripper en el metaverso de Second Life hasta que desapareció, cuando Mymye cambió de computadora y perdió su contraseña. El vídeo sigue el viaje de una serie de personajes digitales para encontrar a Mymye en una trama que tiene el ritmo de un thriller policíaco y plantea preguntas urgentes sobre la relación entre nuestro ser digital y nuestro ser físico.
Kreyól Ayisyen
biarritzzz (Fèt an 1994, Fortaleza, Brezil; e l ap viv nan Recife, Brezil)
Onde Está Mymye Mastroiagne? (Kote Mymye Mastroiagnne?) se yon fiksyon ibrid kout ki baze sou istwa Mymye, yon pèsonaj reyèl ki soti nan katye Pina nan Recife, Brezil, ki te fè istwa kòm yon stripper popilè nan metavèsè Second Life jiskaske li disparèt, lè Mymye chanje òdinatè epi li pèdi modpas li. Videyo a swiv yon seri vwayaj karaktè dijital yo pou jwenn Mymye nan yon konplo ki gen ritm yon thriller krim, epi poze kesyon ijan sou relasyon ant pwòp tèt dijital ak fizik nou.
BIARRITZZZ, Onde Está Mymye Mastroiagnne? (Where is Mymye Mastroiagnne?), 2023. Digital color video, with sound, 16 min., 33 sec. © biarritzzz. Courtesy of the Artist.
Josivany Soares (Cast) , João dos Anjos (Cast) , Mymye Mastroiagnne (Cast) , Delly-lov (Cast) , Tubarão Ratão (Cast)
Assistant Director
Director of Photography
Art Director
Sound Designer
Graphic Design
Graffiti façade
Special Thanks
Español (Latinoamérica)